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Grade 5

3452 records found. Displaying 2401 - 2412.

Language Arts · Social Studies

The Secret of the Tragic Theater

Nina had just missed her one chance to be on the hottest TV talent show around--Singing Superstar! But then fate intervened and provided another stage for her to show off her talent, a stage… More →

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Animals · Science · Social Studies

Feral Pigs: Chomp, Chomp!

Huge holes cover a cornfield. The corn plants in the field have been dug up and trampled, and much of the corn is half eaten. What caused this terrible damage? The answer is big, hairy, and… More →

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Language Arts · Social Studies

Night of the Gravedigger

When Jake and his friends visited the town's old, abandoned cemetery on Halloween night, he was a little anxious. But when Jake saw the gravedigger through the heavy fog, and then the… More →

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