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Grade 3

6369 records found. Displaying 5485 - 5496.


A Spider's Life

A young child spots a jumping spider on her back porch. She keeps watch on the spider, recording its hunting, feeding, and mating activities in her diary. Readers will follow along as the… More →

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Wealthy ancient Romans got their kicks at the arena, where convicted criminals, slaves, and prisoners of war were pitted against each other in physical combat. The contenders were called… More →

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Animals · Blastoff! Readers Level 1


When nighttime comes, bats fly out of trees, caves, and barns to begin their hunt. Some make high-pitched calls, and then they wait and listen. Echoes will lead them to their prey! Learn how… More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 5 · Geography


A crossroads between Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, Morocco is a country of great diversity. Throughout its history, people have migrated to the country from every direction. They've… More →

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Language Arts · Science

What Are Clouds?

Is it possible to stand in a cloud? How big is a water-drop inside a cloud? Can we predict the weather by looking at clouds? Whether viewed from the ground or from a plane flying high above… More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 2 · Science and Math

Keeping Fit

Eating well is just part of the equation. Kids need an hour of exercise every day to feel the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Readers will learn what it means to be physically fit and why… More →

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Language Arts · Science

What Is the Water Cycle?

What will happen to a snowman when the sun starts to shine and the temperature rises? Why do puddles disappear? How does water get into the sky to fall as rain? Young readers are already… More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 5 · Geography

El Salvador

El Salvador is the smallest and most densely populated Central American country. Because of its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire, it must endure volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.… More →

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Animals · Military

Bomb-Sniffing Dogs

In March 2010, British soldiers were patrolling a street in Afghanistan with a Belgian shepherd named Chocolat. Suddenly, the dog walked ahead of the men and entered an empty shop. His… More →

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