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Pushing and Pulling

Updated on 11 March 2022


Kindergarten - Grade 1


Before Reading
• Look at the cover of the book. Discuss the
picture and the title.
• Ask readers to brainstorm a list of what they
already know about pushing and pulling.
What can they expect to see in this book?
• Go on a picture walk, looking through the
pictures to discuss vocabulary and make
predictions about the text.

During Reading
• Read for purpose. As they are reading,
encourage readers to think about pushing or
pulling in their own lives.
• Ask readers to look for the details of the
book. What are they learning about the
things that cause movement?
• If readers encounter an unknown word, ask
them to look at the sounds in the word. Then,
ask them to look at the rest of the page. Are
there any clues to help them understand?

After Reading
• Encourage readers to pick a buddy and
reread the book together.
• Ask readers to name two things from the
book that they can push or pull. Find the
pages that tell about these things.
• Ask readers to write or draw something they
learned about pushing and pulling.

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