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Blastoff! Readers Level 3

293 records found. Displaying 145 - 156.


Did you know that clawed lobsters can be right-clawed or left-clawed? Every baby is born with two cutter claws. Then one cutter claw eventually develops into a crusher claw, which determines… More →

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Sea Dragons

A leafy or a weedy. Every sea dragon is one or the other. Leafies have the advantage when it comes to being underwater masters of disguise. They look just like pieces of swaying seaweed! In… More →

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Sea Urchins

Sea urchins look like fireworks exploding underwater. The spines that create their unusual appearance do have a purpose: they protect the tiny animals from dangerous predators. In this title, More →

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Every orca pod has its very own theme song! Musical elements include whistles, clicks, and pops. “Singing” is the orca way of communicating, navigating, and hunting. This read offers young… More →

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Sea Lions

Curious how sea lions got their name? Well, male sea lions are responsible. Most have a lion-like mane, and they roar loudly to protect females. Young readers will learn all about the wild… More →

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X marks the spots where roadrunners have been. Their feet have toes in front and toes in back. And their favorite way to travel is on foot. Though not speedy enough to break Olympic sprint… More →

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Cottontail Rabbits

Cottontails always stay alert for enemies hunting them down. With a target on their backs, these rabbits have more than one survival tactic. They might freeze. They might also get a move on… More →

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For young parrotfish, the future is often bright! They can be born a dull color, and then turn into vibrant adults. Rainbow colors help many blend in with brilliant coral reefs. The beaming… More →

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Bobcats are surprisingly common across North America. Their stealth style hides this fact, keeping them behind bushes or boulders and out of view. This easy-to-read title gives kids more than More →

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Golden Eagles

Golden eagles are swift fliers, reaching speeds of 150 miles when on the hunt. This fast pace, however, isn’t applied to all life activities. Building a nest, for example, can take these… More →

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Did you know that some corals are named for being look-alikes? The mushroom coral has an umbrella-like shape. Grooves on the surface of the brain coral give it the appearance of the important More →

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Manatees are true gentle giants. Though many weigh more than 1,000 pounds, they do not use their size to overpower other sea creatures. They spend a lot of their time peacefully eating… More →

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