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Pistas de animales 2

Animals · Science

Mi cuerpo es duro y gris (armadillo)

What has a sticky tongue, curved claws, and a tough gray body? If you guessed a nine-banded armadillo, you're right! This book introduces early readers to a mystery animal by describing its… More →

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Animals · Science

Mi melena es corta y erizada (hyena)

What has a scruffy tail, soft fur with dark spots, and a short, spiky mane? If you guessed a spotted hyena, you're right! This book introduces early readers to a mystery animal by describing… More →

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Animals · Science

Mis bigotes son largos y blancos (red panda)

What has a striped tail, red fur, and long, white whiskers? If you guessed a red panda, you're right! This book introduces early readers to a mystery animal by describing its features, one by More →

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Animals · Science

Mis orejas son enormes y peludas (fennec fox)

What has hairy paws, a fluffy tail, and huge and fuzzy ears? If you guessed a fennec fox, you're right! This book introduces early readers to a mystery animal by describing its features, one… More →

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Animals · Science

Mis patas son palmeadas y anaranjadas (puffin)

What has a colorful beak, a round body, and webbed, orange feet? If you guessed an Atlantic puffin, you're right! This book introduces early readers to a mystery animal by describing its… More →

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Animals · Science

Mis pinzas son negras y enormes (scorpion)

What has lots of tiny eyes, a hard shiny body, and huge black claws? If you guessed an emperor scorpion, you're right! This book introduces early readers to a mystery animal by describing its More →

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