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Grades 3 - 7
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Grades 3 - 7


Global Ghost Stories

Series of 6 titles

Is that just a shadow? Or could it be something—or someone—else? This chilling series introduces reluctant readers to ghost stories from around the world. Leveled text provides the details… More →

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Mythical Creatures

Series of 12 titles

Throughout time, people have told tales of wonderous creatures! This high-interest series bewitches readers as it uncovers the histories, legends, and powers of mythical creatures through… More →

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Science and Math

Cutting Edge Technology

Series of 6 titles

How do doctors use virtual reality? What effect will artificial intelligence have on the future? These questions and more are answered in this high-interest series about the world’s latest… More →

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Animal Battles

Series of 40 titles

It’s an all-out brawl between some of nature’s top predators in this high-interest series! Venture deep into the rain forest and to the bottom of the ocean to learn about some of the world’s More →

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A Pet What?!

Series of 6 titles

Pets come in all shapes and sizes, and this series proves it! Each engaging title explores the personalities and behaviors of unique pets from around the globe. The books introduce readers to More →

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Digging Up the Past

Series of 6 titles

A sudden commotion stirs the dig site. Someone has found the entrance to a long-forgotten tomb! Scenes like this may seem like movie lore, but they can happen in real life. This series for… More →

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It's the End of the World!

Series of 8 titles

All things must come to an end. The clock is ticking, and our final days may be right around the corner! This series explores several scenarios that could lead to the end of life on Earth.… More →

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The World of Dinosaurs

Series of 22 titles

Movies and television shows have turned people of all ages into dinosaur fanatics. But what were these prehistoric creatures really like, and what wiped them out? This high-interest series… More →

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Social Studies

Cool Careers

Series of 6 titles

What’s your dream job? Certain careers capture the hearts and imaginations of people from a young age. But what do astronauts and race car drivers really do? This high-interest series digs… More →

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Full Throttle

Series of 12 titles

Put the pedal to the metal and get ready for a thrilling ride! This action-packed series focuses on some of the coolest vehicles out there, on and off the road! Dig into the history, parts,… More →

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Science and Math

Space Science

Series of 16 titles

From speeding comets and asteroids to orbiting bodies and beyond, space expands far outside what we know. But there are many things we have discovered about the depths of space. Readers will… More →

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