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Grades 2 - 5
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Grades 2 - 5

Science and Math

The Senses

Series of 5 titles

How do your eyes see? How do your ears hear? How does your nose smell? This series covers the basic structures and functions of the body’s five sense organs. Young readers will learn how each More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math


Rivers flow through plains and forests and provide water to plants, animals, and people. Children will learn how rivers begin and end, the parts of a river, and what animals call a river home. More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math


Watch out for that big wave! Oceans cover a large part of Earth and support a wide variety of plants and animals. Young readers will learn about the tides, waves, and currents of the ocean as More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math


What has the power to move sailboats across water and pick houses up off the ground? Wind. Beginning readers will be blown away as they discover what wind is and how it moves on calm days and More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math


Did you know not all clouds are white? Green clouds can form and signal severe storms and tornadoes. Beginning readers will discover the different types of clouds and how they form. More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math


Farmers need just the right amount of rain for their fields. Too little or too much can destroy crops. This book explores our human need for rain and introduces floods, droughts, and the water cycle. More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math


There are many different kinds of caves found all around the world. Many are millions of years old! Students will explore the many different kinds of caves, their unique features, and the… More →

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