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Grade 5

3452 records found. Displaying 2485 - 2496.


Rey Mysterio

Known as the Ultimate Underdog, the high-flying Rey Mysterio has been a fan favorite since his debut. Trained in Mexican lucha libre wrestling, Mysterio makes up for his small size with… More →

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Disgusting Plants

Not all plants smell as sweet as a rose. Carrion flowers smell like rotting flesh to attract flies and other pollinators. Others, like the Venus flytrap and Nepenthes truncata, actually eat… More →

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Gaboon Vipers

Is that a leaf or a snake’s head? Gaboon vipers are camouflage experts, hiding from prey and striking at the last second. They hide so well that their meals often almost step on them! Find… More →

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Language Arts · Social Studies

Lost in a Rain Forest

In early 2007, Loic Pillois and Guilhem Nayral went on a 60-mile hike in the Amazon rain forest in French Guiana. Despite having a map and a compass, the two friends became hopelessly lost.… More →

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The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, leading to the biggest offshore oil spill ever in the United States. The explosion was visible for 35 miles! Readers will watch workers… More →

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Disgusting Bodily Functions

The human body does not always have the best manners. It makes farting and belching noises, spews and sweats, and lets boogers and earwax build up. Learn about gross body functions in this… More →

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Santino Marella

The Milan Miracle shocked the wrestling world in 2007 when he was picked out of the audience and won the Intercontinental Championship. Santino Marella has been dominating ever since,… More →

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Language Arts · Social Studies

Lost in the Woods

In September 2013, 72-year-old Gene Penaflor was hunting for deer in California's Mendocino National Forest when he fell onto rocky terrain and was knocked unconscious. When he awoke, the… More →

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Disgusting Bugs

Long antennae, armored bodies, and legs—lots and lots of legs. From cockroaches to centipedes, beetles to lice, there are many of bugs that give people the creeps. Squirm your way through… More →

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Rainbow Boas

Often considered the most beautiful snake in the world, the rainbow boa has colorful skin that shimmers in the sun. The rainbow sheen earned this dazzling snake its name. Find out more about… More →

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Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes

Did you hear something? Though western diamondbacks are known for shaking their rattles, these snakes are actually silent hunters. Their tails only move to tell predators to stay away. It is… More →

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Disgusting Jobs

Do you avoid cleaning your room? Just imagine cleaning up garbage, crime scenes, or even septic tanks for your job! They may not be glamorous, but these jobs need to be done. Discover more… More →

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