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Grade 3

6369 records found. Displaying 5245 - 5256.

Blastoff! Readers Level 5 · Geography


Nevada is a state of contrasts, with its sparsely populated landscapes and lively cities. Thousands of fortune-seekers first came to Nevada after the discovery of the Comstock Lode, a large… More →

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Social Studies

Stunt Performer

Sometimes actors don't have the skills they need for a movie scene. This is where stunt performers jump in, sometimes literally. These daredevils jump out of moving cars, off high cliffs, and More →

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Social Studies

Coal Miner

Sunshine, solid ground, and fresh air. You don't find these things in underground coal mines. Miners must be prepared to work in pitch-black darkness and survive explosions, cave-ins, and the More →

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Biographies · Language Arts · Sports

Adrian Peterson

Running back Adrian Peterson knows what it's like to be a champion. From his earliest days on the field, Adrian put in the extra effort to become a superstar player. As a rookie, Adrian… More →

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Crafts and Activities


If emotionless monotones are all that come to mind when you think of robots, it’s time to rewire your motherboard. Open this book and let the renegade robots within inspire you to build your… More →

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F-16 Fighting Falcons

Considered the most capable multi-role fighter, the F-16 Fighting Falcon can weather any storm. The streamlined aircraft will fly more than 500 miles to meet the enemy, locate targets under… More →

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Biographies · Language Arts · Sports

Tony Romo

When Tony Romo joined the Dallas Cowboys in 2003, few people thought he'd become a superstar. During his first three years, he was stuck being a backup quarterback, sitting on the sidelines… More →

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Social Studies

Fighter Pilot

Fighter pilots are always ready for a dogfight. They know how to effectively maneuver in the air and shoot at enemy aircraft. They welcome danger because it means the chance to become a… More →

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Crafts and Activities


With fossils as their only clues, scientists have created an image of life millions of years ago. Try your hand at a scene in the world of the dinosaurs with the help of this how-to-draw… More →

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Animals · Language Arts · Science


In a hidden spot near the water of the Amazon rain forest, a mother capybara gives birth to her babies. So begins the life of the largest rodent on Earth! In this coming-of-age introduction… More →

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