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Editorial Review

Booklist (J. B. Petty)

Cover: Farm

This brightly colored book in the First Field Trips series provides a basic introduction to farm animals and activities. Multicultural children ride a bus to the farm, where they pet goats, feed horses, gather eggs, pick pumpkins, watch a young farmer shear a sheep and milk a cow, and more. In its attempt to introduce a broad scope of farm activities, the book shows everything taking place in one day rather than in proper seasons. Large, nicely reproduced photos appear on each page, along with one or two simple sentences, though sometimes the limited vocabulary oversimplifies a process: for instance, the text states that a tractor “makes hay,” when hay baling is depicted in the illustration. Pair this visually pleasing title with Capstone’s World of Farming series for added informaion. J.B. Petty

—J. B. Petty

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