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Editorial Review

Series Made Simple

Cover: Sort It!

A highly interactive series that makes clear many basic math concepts. Readers will immediately recognize ideas like weighing and measuring as math topics but may not realize that sorting and guessing are also math-related actions. Each page combines bright photos and simple text. Questions for readers are peppered throughout each volume and will really get kids thinking about the concepts covered. The metric and U.S. systems of measurement are covered in Weigh It! and Measure It! Graph It! covers data collection as well as picture, bar, and pie graphs so that this single volume alone provides a solid overview of graphing. Guess It! instructs readers on mathematical estimation so that, for instance, they can decide if they have enough money for lunch. Each volume concludes with a hands-on activity to further reinforce the lessons presented. VERDICT A welcome tool for introductory math instruction for school libraries.

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Cover: Sort It! Sort It!

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