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247 records found. Displaying 205 - 216.

RMS Queen Mary

Built as an ocean liner for the rich and famous, this huge ship also transported troops in World War II. These days it serves as a hotel and museum for thousands of guests—several of whom may More →

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The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, leading to the biggest offshore oil spill ever in the United States. The explosion was visible for 35 miles! Readers will watch workers… More →

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Disaster Stories

Series of 6 titles

Experience some of history's biggest disasters in these engaging graphic novels. Reluctant readers will watch characters navigate tragedies like the sinking of the Titanic and the attack on… More →

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Winchester Mystery House

Secret passageways, stairways to the ceiling, and doors that open to walls. The Winchester Mystery House is full of tricks and traps. The heiress of the Winchester Rifle fortune built the… More →

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The Scariest Places on Earth

Series of 12 titles

In many places, paranormal activity is accepted beyond doubt. They played host to a violent past and will forever be haunted by the terrorized souls who make their presence known. Other… More →

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The town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, was the site of the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War. Since then, it has been the location of countless ghost stories. From ghostly children at More →

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St. Louis Cemetery No. 1

Although this New Orleans cemetery covers only one city block, it is the final resting place of more than 100,000 people. Many people believe that not all of these people are actually… More →

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The Hindenburg Disaster

Cameras rolled as the huge airship, Hindenburg, caught fire and crashed in New Jersey on May 6, 1937. The disaster was so shocking that the name Hindenburg has become synonymous with… More →

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The Titanic Disaster

As one of the most devastating shipwrecks in history, the sinking of RMS Titanic killed more than 1,500 passengers. There were only enough lifeboats for about one third of the people on… More →

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Eastern State Penitentiary

The Eastern State Penitentiary was the first prison to use solitary confinement. This controversial form of punishment is said to have left many inmates mentally ill. A few were driven to… More →

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The Bone Chapel

The bones of more than 40,000 people are said to dwell in Sedlec Ossuary, also known as the Bone Chapel. Here, bones swoop from the ceiling, run down the walls, and even hang in the form a… More →

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The sounds of prisoners clanging through the halls, sobbing in their cells, or even playing the banjo may be normal in most prisons. But when they come from walls that haven’t confined… More →

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