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247 records found. Displaying 133 - 144.


Wings, claws, scales! What images come to mind when you think of a dragon? These amazing creatures have played important roles in many cultures for thousands of years. Some are ferocious and… More →

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Mythical Creatures

Series of 12 titles

Throughout time, people have told tales of wonderous creatures! This high-interest series bewitches readers as it uncovers the histories, legends, and powers of mythical creatures through… More →

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As the full moon approaches, its skin sprouts long hairs, its nose grows long, and its mouth fills with long fangs. Hunched and hungry, the werewolf howls at the shining moon! Today’s media… More →

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A beautiful sound drifts over the waves. Do your eyes deceive you? It is a mermaid! Long hair cascades down her back as she sings into the salty air. Mermaids began to take form 4,000 years… More →

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La Marina de Guerra de los Estados Unidos (U.S. Navy)

In this book, readers will learn about the U.S. Navy, its history and importance, duties and special missions, and how it relates to and works with other branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.… More →

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In the 1500s, people thought unicorn horns were poison antidotes. Many people spent a lot of money on what they thought were horns. But they were really buying narwhal tusks! This title… More →

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This life comes to an end, but a new one will soon begin. Rising from the blaze, a new phoenix spreads its wings and flies toward the sun! The mythical phoenix appears in many ancient… More →

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Watch out! A giant is stomping your way! These creatures make appearances in today’s stories, films, advertising, and more. But stories and images of these behemoths are nothing new. For… More →

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Centaurs are the half-human, half-horse creatures known for making trouble. These mythical creatures are known from Greek mythology, but they continue to make their way into the stories and… More →

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Have a troll problem? Ring church bells near their ears or lure them into a lightning storm. They will run away in terror! This title covers the legends of trolls and how these mythical… More →

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Ancient Civilizations

Series of 8 titles

Our modern world still benefits from the work of ancient civilizations! Everything from how we communicate to what we eat is based on the discoveries of ancient people. This fascinating… More →

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