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¿De dónde viene? (Where Does It Come From?)

Series of 12 titles

Eat up! Discover how different foods get from farms and gardens to our tables in this fun series. Real photos show the steps of the cycle or process, while a picture glossary reinforces new vocabulary. Each book features a comprehensive diagram to illustrate each step. Bright, full-color photographs and photo labels complement the carefully leveled text to make reading for understanding easy and fun. Includes reading tips for teachers and parents, a table of contents, and an index.

Format List Price Library Price Qty
$323.88 $227.40
$420.00 $315.00
$420.00 $275.40
Title   ATOS Format Qty
Cover: De la flor a la miel (From Flower to Honey) De la flor a la miel (From Flower to Honey) 0.7
Cover: De la semilla a la mermelada (From Seed to Jam) De la semilla a la mermelada (From Seed to Jam) 1.7
Cover: De la vaca al queso (From Cow to Cheese) De la vaca al queso (From Cow to Cheese) 0.8
Cover: Del jardín al pepinillo (From Garden to Pickle) Del jardín al pepinillo (From Garden to Pickle) 1.6
Cover: Del tomate a la pizza (From Vine to Pizza) Del tomate a la pizza (From Vine to Pizza) 1.1
Cover: Del trigo al pan (From Wheat to Bread) Del trigo al pan (From Wheat to Bread) 1.1
Cover: De la arena al vidrio (From Sand to Glass) De la arena al vidrio (From Sand to Glass)
Cover: De la cera al crayón (From Wax to Crayon) De la cera al crayón (From Wax to Crayon)
Cover: Del algodón a la camiseta (From Cotton to T-Shirt) Del algodón a la camiseta (From Cotton to T-Shirt)
Cover: De la oveja al calcetín (From Sheep to Sock) De la oveja al calcetín (From Sheep to Sock)
Cover: Del árbol al papel (From Tree to Paper) Del árbol al papel (From Tree to Paper)
Cover: Del metal a la bicicleta (From Metal to Bicycle) Del metal a la bicicleta (From Metal to Bicycle)
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Kindergarten
Subject Machines, Science and Math
Copyright 2022
Publisher Jump!
Imprint Bullfrog Books
Language Spanish
Number of Pages 24
Publication Date 2021-08-01
Dewey 635-641.81
Graphics Full-color photographs
Dimensions 7.75 x 7.75
Lexile 80-160
Guided Reading Level F
ATOS Reading Level 0.7-1.7
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5
Features Glossary of key words, Index, and Table of contents

Author: Various