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First Look at Languages

Series of 4 titles

The perfect guide to introduce readers to a new language! A fun, simple narrative in English follows one character through a typical day. Everyday settings and photo labels introduce vocabulary in the new language. Each label features the English word, translation, and pronunciation of the translated word for easy understanding. Each title is translated by a native speaker and includes an introduction to the language and instructional book guide. Lists and diagrams of common phrases, colors, and numbers round out each title, further introducing readers to the language.

Format List Price Library Price Qty
$107.96 $75.80
$140.00 $105.00
$140.00 $91.80
Title   ATOS Format Qty
Cover: My First Look at French My First Look at French
Cover: My First Look at German My First Look at German
Cover: My First Look at Italian My First Look at Italian
Cover: My First Look at Spanish My First Look at Spanish
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Kindergarten
Category Beginning Readers, New!
Subject Language Arts
Copyright 2020
Publisher Jump!
Imprint Bullfrog Books
Language English
Number of Pages 24
Publication Date 2020-01-01
Dewey 438.2-468.2
Graphics Full-color photographs
Dimensions 7.5 x 9
Guided Reading Level E
Features Glossary of key words, Index, and Table of contents