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Learning about the Earth

From mountains to rain forests, this series explores the basic physical features that make up our planet. Young readers will discover each feature of Earth, how it formed, and what plants and animals call it home.

Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math


There are many different kinds of caves found all around the world. Many are millions of years old! Students will explore the many different kinds of caves, their unique features, and the… More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math

Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are found in tropical waters and host a variety of ocean life. Young readers will learn about how they form over time, the different ways they form, and the creatures that call… More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math


Glaciers are huge, moving sheets of ice and snow. The fastest glaciers still only move about 100 feet a day. This book explains how glaciers form, how they move, and how a moving glacier… More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math


Watch out for that big wave! Oceans cover a large part of Earth and support a wide variety of plants and animals. Young readers will learn about the tides, waves, and currents of the ocean as More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math


A pond is any body of water that is shallow enough for sunlight to reach the bottom. Kids will learn how ponds are formed, what wildlife they support, and how they differ from lakes in this… More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math


Rivers flow through plains and forests and provide water to plants, animals, and people. Children will learn how rivers begin and end, the parts of a river, and what animals call a river home. More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math


A tundra is an area of land with low temperatures and short growing seasons. Although there are very few trees, tundras boast a wide variety of animal life in addition to lakes, bogs, and… More →

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