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Birds of Prey

The skies are full of fierce predators looking for their next meal. While hunting, raptors are capable of incredible feats, from spotting prey two miles away to reaching speeds that no animal has ever matched. Find out about the special adaptations that make birds of prey such powerful hunters in this action-packed series!



From ten stories high, an eagle can see a single ant crawling on a sidewalk! They use this impeccable eyesight to spot fish lingering in the currents and rodents scurrying through harvested… More →

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Using their long, pointed wings and tails, falcons dive toward prey at over 200 miles per hour! These high flyers are designed to be master predators. In combination with their speed, their… More →

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Using intelligence and skilled flying, hawks are able to find great success in their hunting pursuits. These small predators use their talons to snatch prey, often in midair! This low-level… More →

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The forked tailed of kites allow them to perform acrobatic twists, turns, and twirls to more easily track a meal. These agile fliers are not just hunters, though. They are known to scavenge… More →

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Owls are predators built to detect prey in the dark of night! Their ears become their eyes as papery feathers help them locate the direction of sounds, and noiseless flight then lets them… More →

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Vultures are scavengers that will eat almost anything they can find! These birds of prey are able to feed on decaying meat and trash due to special acids in their digestive system that keep… More →

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