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Grades 2 - 5
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Grades 2 - 5

Animals · Language Arts · Science

Prairie Dog's Hideaway

A prairie dog, standing on its hind legs, spots a badger on the prowl for its next meal. The little animal quickly begins jumping up and down and letting out a series of short barks. Other… More →

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Animals · Language Arts · Science

Groundhog's Burrow

Every February 2, residents of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania awaken a groundhog from its winter's nap. According to lore, if the groundhog casts a shadow, then six more weeks of winter lie… More →

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Language Arts · Science

How Are Rain, Snow, and Hail Alike?

When we look up to the sky, we see clouds. Sometimes rain falls from these clouds, and sometimes we get snow, sleet, or hail. Why are we drenched with water some days, blanketed with… More →

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Language Arts · Science

How Do You Know It's Summer?

Flowers bloom and start producing seeds. Trees covered with fresh green leaves are making food for themselves. Young animals born in the spring are striking out on their own. The days are… More →

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Language Arts · Science

What Is Climate?

Why are some places on Earth hot and dry? Why do other places have thick, lush forests? Why are some places blanketed with snow during the winter while others get lots of rain? The answers to More →

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Language Arts · Science

How Do You Know It's Winter?

In some places, the weather is cold and snowy. In others, it's rainy and cool. People help birds find food by putting up bird feeders in their backyards. Days are shorter and nights are… More →

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Animals · Language Arts · Science

Fox's Den

A red fox sneaks up on an unsuspecting mouse. Then it pounces, landing on the mouse with all four of its feet. The fox grabs its prey with its jaws and heads back to its den. The fox's pups… More →

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Animals · Language Arts · Science

Hippo: River Horse

A hippo's mouth is huge, measuring about four feet (1.2 m) from top to bottom when open. That's big enough for a six-year-old kid to fit inside! These big mouths make a lot of noise. Hippos… More →

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Animals · Blastoff! Readers Level 4

Great Danes

Did you know that a Great Dane named George holds the record for the world’s tallest dog? Great Danes are large, graceful dogs that sometimes work as service dogs, assisting people who need… More →

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