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Grades 2 - 5
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Grades 2 - 5

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Cover: Go-Kart Racing Go-Kart Racing 3.5
Cover: Kickboxing Kickboxing 3.6
Cover: Skateboard Vert Skateboard Vert 3.8
Cover: Skateboarding Street Style Skateboarding Street Style 3.9
Cover: SuperMoto SuperMoto 3.7
Cover: Surfing Surfing 3.5
Cover: Karts Karts 3.4
Cover: Stock Cars Stock Cars 3.7
Cover: Standard Motorycles Standard Motorycles 3.9
Cover: United States Air Force United States Air Force 4.6
Cover: United States Navy United States Navy 4.2
Cover: Electricity Electricity 3.9
Cover: Energy Energy 3.7
Cover: Light Light 3.2
Cover: Magnetism Magnetism 3.9
Cover: Matter Matter 3.2
Cover: Sound Sound 3.3
Cover: The Sense of Hearing The Sense of Hearing 3.1
Cover: The Sense of Sight The Sense of Sight 3.1
Cover: The Sense of Smell The Sense of Smell 2.8
Cover: The Sense of Taste The Sense of Taste 3.0
Cover: The Sense of Touch The Sense of Touch 2.7
Cover: Glaciers Glaciers 2.6
Cover: Prairies Prairies 2.4