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Grade 5

3453 records found. Displaying 1993 - 2004.

Science · Social Studies

One World Trade Center

On May 10, 2013, the final section of One World Trade Center's 408-foot spire was set in place. The 1,776-foot building had officially become the tallest in the Western Hemisphere! For many… More →

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Language Arts · Social Studies

Zombie Apocalypse

Imagine looking out your window and seeing a horde of moaning, rotting zombies lumbering your way. What would happen if a mysterious virus were to suddenly sweep through your town, turning… More →

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Language Arts · Social Studies

Titanic's Fatal Voyage

"Iceberg right ahead!" yelled Frederick Fleet, a crewmember aboard the Titanic. The ship had only seconds to spare. Titanic's officers steered the ship to the left as quickly as they could to More →

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Language Arts · Social Studies

Titanic's Passengers and Crew

It was 2:00 A.M. on April 15, 1912, in the middle of the icy Atlantic Ocean. Seventeen-year-old Jack Thayer stood on the slanted deck of the RMS Titanic and weighed his options--Jump, or die, More →

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Language Arts · Social Studies

Zombies Through the Ages

Our TV screens are filled with terrifying images of the walking dead. However, people have been frightened of zombies long before movies and TV shows. This book uncovers the blood-curdling… More →

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Science · Social Studies

Grand Central Terminal

At the stroke of midnight on February 2, 1913, Grand Central Terminal opened for business in New York City. At the time, it was the largest and most luxurious station in the world. Throughout More →

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Language Arts · Social Studies

Voodoo Zombies

On the island of Haiti, stories tell of corpses brought back to life. Fact or fiction? Do voodoo witch doctors, called bokors, really have the power to raise people from their graves? Or is… More →

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Language Arts · Social Studies

Zombie Zone

Series of 4 titles

For hundreds of years, people have told stories of corpses that rise from the dead and feast on the living. Are these horrifying tales just fiction and superstition? Or could these stories… More →

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