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Grade 3

6373 records found. Displaying 5845 - 5856.


Disappearing Acts

Series of 6 titles

Is that a leaf or an insect? Children won't believe their eyes when they see these tricky creatures. From katydids that look just like leaves to three-toed sloths that blend in with tree… More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math


The United States accelerated the space race in 1958 by forming NASA. Eager readers will learn about the history of NASA and its many manned and unmanned missions. More →

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Blastoff! Readers Level 3 · Science and Math

The Sun

The sun radiates light, heat, and energy at the center of the solar system. Eager students will explore how the sun works and its relationship to Earth and the other planets. More →

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Roller Coasters

Roller coasters offer riders high speeds and thrilling drops! The fastest roller coasters can reach speeds over 100 miles per hour! Eager students will plunge into learning about how roller… More →

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Animals · Blastoff! Readers Level 3


Pythons can measure up to 30 feet long! Students will explore how pythons look, the environments in which they live, how they use senses to track prey, and how they can swallow large animals whole! More →

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Little Newts

Most ts are small-—between 2 and 5 inches. How do these little amphibians protect themselves from big, hungry enemies? Many ts, such as the red-spotted t, are covered in poisonous mucus. The… More →

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Emerald Boas

A hungry eagle flies slowly above the rain forest canopy, looking for its next meal. Will it spot the emerald boa coiled on a tree branch? It's tricky—-these snakes are bright green with… More →

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Animals · Blastoff! Readers Level 3

Boa Constrictors

Boa constrictors slither around smelling for prey with their forked tongues. Eager students will learn what these fierce hunters look like, where they can be found, and how they use their… More →

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Adrian Peterson

As a kid, Adrian Peterson got the nickname "All Day" (A.D.) because he was always on the go. As an adult, teammates still call him A.D., because he never stops working. Adrian's tremendous… More →

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Three-toed Sloths

Three-toed sloths have a clever way of protecting themselves from nature's fiercest predators. Sloths have green algae growing on their brown fur, helping them blend in with the mossy bark of More →

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V-22 Ospreys

Part airplane and part helicopter, the V-22 Osprey hovers in the air as U.S. Marines jump behind enemy lines. Kids will learn about the V-22 Osprey’s vertical take-off and landing, defensive… More →

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