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Grade 2

5100 records found. Displaying 3913 - 3924.

Animals · STEM


In Cicadas, beginning readers will learn about the life cycle of a cicada and discover how this insect finds a mate. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage young… More →

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Language Arts · Science

Neptune: Far, Far Away

What's the windiest planet in the solar system? Neptune! The winds on Neptune can be up to ten times stronger than the most powerful hurricanes on Earth! That isn't the only thing that's… More →

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R.E.A.D. Dogs

When Hannah was in first grade, she hated reading. The young girl had dyslexia. She had trouble pronouncing words and even recognizing letters on a page. Hannah felt nervous reading in front… More →

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Language Arts · Science

Mercurio: El más pequeño de todos

What's the closest planet to our Sun? Mercury! Mercury orbits the Sun very quickly --in fact, it circles the Sun four times more quickly than Earth. With a surface covered in craters, it's… More →

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Animals · Blastoff! Readers Level 3

Black Bears

Can you imagine sleeping for a whole season? During their winter dormancy, black bears do just that. They do not wake to eat, drink, or even use the bathroom! Learn more about the lives of… More →

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Animals · Blastoff! Readers Level 3

Red-tailed Hawks

Red-tailed hawks have excellent eyesight. These birds of prey soar high in the air, scanning open fields for small prey. When they find their target, they go into a dive and ambush their… More →

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Language Arts · Science

Mars: Red Rocks and Dust

Which planet is often called the "red planet"? Mars! It got this nickname because it's covered with red rocks and dust. Mars is also known for having the largest mountain in the solar system. More →

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Animals · Language Arts · Science

Collared Lemming

It's winter, and the cold Arctic landscape is covered with snow. That's not a problem for a lemming, however. The tiny animal has dug a network of tunnels through the snow. Now the little… More →

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